Monday, February 3, 2025

Armand (2024) opens Friday

A mother is called for a conference at her young son's school. Something has happened and Armand is alleged to be behind it. As she meets with the teachers, and the parents of the other boy, who happen to be her in-laws, things are not quite as straight forward as they seem.

Renate Reinsve gives one of the best performances of the year as Armand's mother. It's a performance that is completely unexpected and very human. What do I mean by this? There is a moment where in the middle of discussing the difficult events at the center of the story and she begins to laugh uncontrollably. At first it seems funny, then it seems out of place and then you realize it's something that makes you take a step back because the reaction, especially with the emotional collapse at the end is on target. Too many filmmakers and writers think that serious subjects mean serious and histrionic reactions. That isn't always the case. Reinsve should be in the Oscar mix because this is a glorious performance that is more real than almost any other you'll see this year. 

The film over all is very good. It's a gripping thriller that pulls you along. It's more interesting than most of the recent problem with children at school films that have hit the local multiplexes (say TEACHERS LOUNGE). I say this because the film is looking to throw its net wider and forcing us to look at the parents and administration and not just the kids. This is a look at parents and parenting and the things they do.

The problem with the film is that as the film makes a few choices that don't always work. Moving away from Reinsve's character gets us away from the the center of the film. She is the character we know best so there are moments of catch up when she isn't on screen.The other problem is the film adds in some subjective surrealism. While it helps explain the characters' head space it makes the film less real.

But I am quibbling. This is a really good film. It will both entertain you and give you something to think about.


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