Thursday, January 23, 2025

Eternal You (2024)

This is a look at how people are using AI programs to reconnect with dead loved ones.

Based on the reactions coming out of Sundance the odds are this film is going to make you feel weird. People were grossed out and made incredibly uncomfortable by the notion of a computer program simulating the dead and giving them voice. My reaction wasn't quite that strong but I completely understand why people were bothered by it.

This is a good look at the whole situation, from the people creating the programs, to the people using them and the people opposing them. It's a well done trip down the rabbit hole including looking at some of the weirder things that have happened.

Do I have any interest in talking to the dead? Not really. I carry my deceased loved ones in my heart and have conversations with them when I need to. I trust the voices I hear in my head are closer to reality then the fabricated ones found on line.

That said. If the subject interests you I do recommend this film. I expect it to have a long life on and off the festival circuit.

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