Thursday, January 23, 2025

Thoughts on Rose (2021) which opens Friday

Ten minutes into ROSE I realized that I saw this film several years ago when the film was playing the festival circuit. I was going to pull out my review and repost it but I’m not certain I actually wrote it up. I am telling you this because what follows is less a review and more a pointer.

ROSE is the story of a 78 year old woman who has to come to terms with the sudden death of her husband. Not feeling that it would be right to close herself off from the world she decides to live life to the fullest, thus making her kids crazy.

Yes we’ve been here before. This is a story that has been told in one form or another since the movies began. At the same time it’s rare to get a version that is as warm and inviting as this one. Yea, we know the tale, but we haven’t met these people. It’s the cast, headed by the great Françoise Fabian, that make this film work gloriously. Because of them we are among friends and not just watching a movie.

This film is a delight, and it was a joy to unexpectedly revisit it. See it and make new friends.


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