This is a look at the men and women who have taken up the life of knights and perform jousting at Renaissance fairs across the country.
This is a good look at what it takes to be a knight in shining armor in the modern world. Yes we get a look at the bad old days, but this film is focused on the people doing it now. This film gives you a good idea of everything that you need and makes it clear that it takes great skill in order to do it.
I really liked this film a great deal. As some one who grew up making knight’s weapons and fighting the kids in the neighborhood, this film was blast. If only I had stayed with it, and been closer to a renn fair I might have jousted.
If there is any flaw in the film is that the film feels a bit padded at times. There are a bit too many sequences where not a lot happens. Yes it sets the sense of place but it doesn’t move anything forward.
Still the film is a lot of fun and worth a look.
i downloaded and watched this movie yesterday. It is an amazing look at "the life" The people and yes, the horses. Good job by everyone involved, I enjoyed the story