Friday, May 31, 2024

A BRIGHTER TOMORROW (2023) Open Roads 2024

Nanni Moretti makes a love letter to the movies.  Telling the story of a director trying to tell the epic story of a town over a two decade long period he is confronted by forces in the studio who are trying to complicate his efforts.

This is a good but not great film  from the always reliable Moretti. Containing some charming sequences and some smile producing moments the film speaks volumes about the love of cinema and of life as well. I smiled my way through the film.

As much as I like most of the film there is an artificialness to how the film was shot that didn’t really work for me. The film feels like it was shot so that it feels like tableaux at times. We can feel the camera and the crew just out of the frame. Since this not something that I’ve ever felt in a Moretti film I found myself very aware of it.

Does that make it a bad film? Heck no. Honestly any film from Moretti is going to be a delight and as such it better than most films that come out each year. My problem is I liked the film, I didn’t love it.

Even so it will put a smile on your face so go buy a ticket and go.

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