Friday, May 3, 2024

Slow (2023) opens today

The course of a relationship between a man and a woman that ends up complicated by his asexuality.

Beautifully acted and sensuous film about a relationship that is not quite like the normal. Its a film is carried by leads Greta Grinevičiūtė and Kęstutis Cicėnas who make us fall in love with them and make us want for them to succeed. Its a wonderful romance where the course of love doesn't go as expected.

The selling point for this film is going to be the asexuality angle. Dovydas clearly loves Elena however he is not interested in sex and intimacy. Its a situation that Elena has difficulty with since she is a dancer and loves touch. This is not something that we've seen in the movies before and it is going to resonate with many people.

I liked SLOW. I liked it not for the asexuality angle, but because I liked the people. Frankly if the write ups of the film didn't mention it I wouldn't have noted it because to me it's ultimately not important since this is not about one thing but about how we interact.

Worth a look.

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