Feel good film was, for a short while on some pundits radar as a shoe in for the Best Picture Oscar. The film opened and it didn't get quite the love many expected. I for one was tricked into believing it wasn't very good...
I was wrong, its damn fine...it even made me get all weepy at the end.
Transplanting a true story from England to America, the film is the story of Benjamin Mee and his family. 6 Months after the death of his wife he is unable to shake the fact everything about his home town reminds me of his wife. As the family begins to fragment in the wake of the death Mee tries to find a place to start again. He finds the perfect place...which just happens to be house that comes with a zoo attached. Will the family come together?
Okay, if you can't answer that question before you go in you really do see this film because the film will come as a complete surprise to you.
If you can answer that question before you go in you need to see this film because, quite frankly how the answer is revealed is utterly and completely charming.
Yes you know how most of this is going to go. But you're not going to care. I think you'll just fall into the lives of the wonderful people on screen and be dragged along. Seriously its so nice to see a film where there really aren't any bad guys just nice people trying to get along. Even Thomas Hayden Church as Matt Damon's more serious brother is hoot. Sure he talks common sense, but when it comes down to it we learn real fast he's just as nuts as everyone else.
This is just a charming feel good film that will make you smile stupidly from ear to ear...
...and if you wanna know a secret? Of all of the films that were talked about as a possible Oscar nominee, this would have been the one I would have voted for best picture.
See this film.
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