Tuesday, March 12, 2024


If you are easily rattled don’t watch PLASTIC PEOPLE. This look at how plastics are poisoning us and our environment is going to scare the living snot out of you.  This is not a slow burn terror, but one that comes in the opening minutes when the film where we are told about how microplastics are now everywhere including inside of us. It also shows how animals are dying in an alarming rate because they are eating more and more plastics that their bodies can’t purge.

Who needs make believe horror when you can have the real thing? This is a truly frightening film that will make you think twice about everything we do with plastics…which is pretty much everything.

As good as the film is I fear that many people will avoid this film. They don’t want to know about how our plastic waste is killing and changing the planet for the worse. They are going to simply want to continue to suck down their waters and eat their foods out of plastic containers.

If the film feels like overkill, it really isn’t, since the film simply is telling it like it is without embellishment.

This is one of the most important films you’ll see in 2024.

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