Wednesday, March 13, 2024


We are the best idiots you can find

This is the story of a flower fairy who, through her friendship with a butterfly over comes her fears and ends up making a lot more friends.

Belt in boys and girls this is a wild and crazy film that you’re going to love. If you are a kid this is going to play one way and if you are an adult this is going to play on another level as you see all sort of reference and shading that is going to blow past the kids. I couldn’t look away as I was seeing all sorts of threads running through this film. Frankly it’s a film you need multiple viewings to even hope to catch it all.

What an absolute blast and a half.

Because I slept badly because of the time change (I kept waking up every half an hour so I wouldn’t miss the train early train into the city)  I found myself sleepy before  the film. When it started I thought I might drop off and then things began to happen and I sprung instantly awake. I couldn’t believe that I was watching this wild and crazy film that seemed like Terry Jones of Monty Python was intent on making sure that someone was carrying on with his bent style  and taking it to a new level. This is just crazy ass fun. I wanted to be in the headspace of the filmmakers because it’s somewhere wonderful.

If you want  to see something one of kind and wonderfully entertaining see ROSI AND THE STONE TROLL

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