Saturday, April 22, 2023

Halfway Home (2023) Fantaspoa 2023


You are either going to love HALFWAY HOME or you are not. It’s a whimsical tale that is going to those of you who don’t see the magic in everyday life.

The film is the story of a couple who met when they were infants in a burning hospital. One was rescued by a nurse, the other by a woman who took the child and raised the boy as her nephew. Years later  they literally collide while riding bicycles. It’s a meet cute that leads to a an almost first date. When the boy misses the date the girl ends up killed in an accident. He body is brought to the morgue where the boy works as a security guard who is tasked with helping the dead come back to life for a brief period to finish up things before they pass one.

It's an incredibly whimsical tale that will put a smile on your face.

It’s also a film that has its own tone. Playing kind of like what might have happened if Tim Burton directed the TV series PUSHING DAISIES, the film seems like it’s something else, except that it’s not. This is a film with it’s own sense of the universe and it’s own mythology. That’s something that I didn’t fully appreciate until I saw the film for a second time. It was only on that repeat viewing that I truly heard the film’s unique voice.

This is a sweet and charming film and one that is worth your time, especially if you want a little magic in your life.

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