Monday, June 10, 2024

Bam Bam The Sister Nancy Story (2024) Tribeca 2024

Ophlin Rusell. better known as Sister Nancy, was responsible for the most sampled song in Reggae. Her Bam Bam has been sampled hundreds of times. A DJ/singer who learned her craft copying her brother, she helped spread dance hall and reggae across the globe.

This film is one part biography and one large part celebration. It’s a film where Nancy tells her story and shows us what her life is like while the people she influenced and inspired tell us how she changed their lives and the music they make.

A one of a kind music doc this is a warts and all portrait of a woman who literally changed the world by putting herself out there and making the music she wants to. It’s a film that paints an intriguing portrait of a woman who states that she likes to always be alone except when she is on stage. She is a bit of a prickly pear and I found he a bit hard to warm up to.

On the other hand I loved the interview segments. I loved to listen to all the artists speak about Sister Nancy and explain what she did and how important she is to them. Their sense of wonder and awe in the woman is contagious and helps close the distance between us and Nancy a bit.

Definitely worth a look, especially if you can see it with a big sound system where the sound will envelope you.

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