Saturday, June 10, 2023

All You Hear is Noise (2023) Tribeca 2023

This is a look at three athletes who are aiming to compete in the Special Olympics World Games in Abud Abi. All three have mental issues which don’t make them recognizable as someone who would participate in the Special Olympics. Focusing not only on the games the film also focuses on how the Olympics help Trent Hampton, Melanie Holmes, and Chris Wines integrate into society and become something greater than just an athlete.

This is a really good and very atypical sports doc. While the first chunk of the film of the film takes the typical path of a sports doc, introducing the subjects and taking them to their goal, ALL YOU HEAR… transcends the form by going past what would have been the ending in every other film and giving us the lives of the athletes after the Olympics. What happened next? Instead of getting a slide, we get another 40 minutes. We see how Hampton, Holmes and Wines lives get better as they the lessons learned and are able to more fully function on their own.

I was moved.

This is something special.

While the film only got a single screening at Tribeca it’s going to be one that you’ll want to track down.

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