Friday, June 9, 2023

TO MY FATHER (2023) Tribeca 2023

Oscar  winner Troy Kostur talks about his life and celebrates his father.

I would put money down that this film will be the Oscar winner next year. This warm bear hug of a movie has all the emotions that Academy voters love. 

The reality is this is a wonderful look at man who grew up with a loving family and a father who was always in his corner. His parents did what was best for him from sending him to a school for the deaf, where he discovered his love of performing  by re-enacting Tom and Jerry Cartoons for the kids, and on to a regular high school where he thrived. It also deals with the aftermath or a car accident that injured his dad.

I was beyond moved by the film and was reduced to a complete sobbing mess, in the best possible way.

This film is fill of joy and life and it is a perfect example of what films should do, move us to feel things deeply.

One of 2023’s best films it is recommended to the highest level.

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