This weekend I'm posting two reviews of two great animated films. I've had these films scheduled five or six times since I wrote them up in March but other ideas kept getting in the way. So with out furth nonsense, here they are, two of my favorite recent animated films...
I'm not a fan of Veggie Tales. However, in small bits I find them quite clever and funny. It was with some apprehension therefore that I first saw The Pirates that Don't Do Anything (okay I saw it because the trailers and commercials looked funny).
The plot has three of the Veggies working at a pirate meal and show place like Medieval Times, but with pirates. They are little more than waiters who want to be in the show. When an audition goes wrong and gets them tossed, they figure their futures were bleak. However, a magic ball from the past mistakes them for heroes and transports them back in time to help a Princess who has to rescue her brother from a real pirate. I'm mangling the plot but you get the idea.
Mangled plot or no, I thought this was hysterical. I love this film and frequently watch it on cable over and over again.
No, its not the be all and end all, but it is clever and witty with a nice sense of silliness. I loved the cheese curls and the walking rocks and some of the songs...and I just had a good time...which is the best recommendation I can give.
Out on DVD and on cable.
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