Thursday, May 28, 2020

Brief thoughts on KINGDOM OF ARCHERS (2020) Brooklyn 2020

Wonderful portrait of the love of archery in the Kingdom of Bhutan. While archery was always part of the culture, the mad love for the sport exploded when after joining the UN in 1971, it was listed as the national sport and everyone took it to heart.

While the film can be a slightly travelogueish PR shill at times,this is largely a great exploration of one countries love of a sort and how that love has changed over the years. The result is a marvelously satisfying portrait of a country, its people and its culture.

You will forgive me if I don't say a great deal about this film because there really isn't a great deal to say. This is 90 minutes with good people. It is a trip to somewhere we have never been and the result is a marvelous viewing experience that will not only entertain but inform.

Highly recommended.

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