Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The Story of Plastic (2019) DOC NYC 2019

Director Deia Schlosberg shows you the pros and the endless cons concerning plastic. This is everything you wanted to know about plastic and a hell of a lot more you didn't will change the way you recycle and buy things.

You may love all your one shot use plastic bags and containers but the they are polluting everything.  As for the notion that the plastics are recyclable it's kind of a lie since there are problems doing so and now the one country who was taking almost all of it, China, realized that there was just too much and it was polluting their country that they stopped taking it. What are we going to do? Schlosberg has some ideas.

In an age where everything is plastic this film is a vital reminder that there is a cost to everything we do. Worse, as Schlosberg shows us many of the things we are doing right to handle plastics are lies set up by the manufacturers in order to allow them to continue producing their wares.

While this is a film that all the activists will see, I expect the DOC NYC audience to be filled with those who are aware of much of this, this is really  a film that everyone should be made to see in order to educate them on the dangers of something we come in contact with every day.


THE STORY OF PLASTIC PLAYS  November 9 at DOC NYC. For more information and tickets go here.

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