Wednesday, November 6, 2019

House of Cardin (2019) DOC NYC 2019

There have been a good number of fashion biographies over the last few years and the problem with many is they tend to be flashy recountings of the past glories of the designers with little substance. Others tend to go be a bit too serious. Sure they are informative or even entertaining but there are very few that are the sort of thing that I would really want to sit down and watch a second or third or fifth time. House of Cardin on the other hand is the sort of film I want to see a second, third and fifth time.

The film is the life and times of designer Pierre Cardin. Told via his friends, admirers and the man himself it is a march through fashion of the last 70 years. Told with a playful attitude you come to admire not only the man’s work but the man himself. One can not have this many people like him (hell Alice Cooper is one of the talking heads) is there isn’t something charming about the man. Watching the film you fall in love with the man and his work largely because everyone is so charmed by him you can’t help but fall in love with him.

I loved this film. I say that as someone who came at the film from the stand point of seeing it as of obligation. I was going through the DOC NYC sked of films on a day by day basis. I was just watching everything I had for each day, when I got to House of Cadin and watched it simply because it was the next film. I am so glad I did that because this film is just a great deal of fun. The bubbly attitude of everyone on screen was infectious and as a result I just enjoyed the film so much I am looking to add it to my collection down the road when it eventually hits home video.

A delight. Highly recommended.

HOUSE OF CARDIN plays November 9 at DOC NYC. For tickets and more information go here.

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