Friday, March 27, 2020

Stay At Home Fest Bonus: What is Local 58? and LOCAL 58: The Broadcast Station That Manipulates You

During the current Covid19 social distancing I have been spending a great deal of time working on things for Unseen and not watching the usual assortment of features and and shorts. Because my time has been eaten trying to shift things around because of the ever changing festival schedules and new film releases I've been filling my time with You Tube videos, mostly on real and imagined mysteries.

Where I normally watch things like Top Five Supernatural Videos, Lately I've shifted to trying to find intriguing short docs on a single subject. This has resulted in finding a bunch of short films I'm going to post as bonus entries in the Stay at Home festival.

One of the best docs I've run across is on a web series called LOCAL 58. Made by a poster called Nexpo, a filmmaker who explores internet mysteries, the documentary talks about the then five films in the series. The films all are supposed to be films from a TV station and have something to do with an apocalyptic event. Nexpo explains what the series is and then orders them in a way that makes sense to him. Just watching the doc the series will scare the snot out of you. It's really creepy, as is the series it self.

At the time this film was produced there were five films in the sequence, however since the documentary was made three more films have appeared making eight, seemingly random parts. What is so chilling about LOCAL 58 is not always what we see, but what is implied. Each of the 8 films gives us a piece but no complete answer. Its frightening in the best sort of way. The series is one of the best uses of found footage I've ever seen and it is one of the best horror films as well.

I suggest that you watch  the film below and then watch the actual series since doc will put everything into frightening perspective. All the videos in the LOCAL 58 series can be found here and are worth your time.

Literally a couple of hours after I posted the above piece Nexpo uploaded a new film on the series to date. It can be found below

Having finally watched the  below film I suggest that you DO watch both both documentaries since there is material in the first that enhances understanding of the second.

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